Promo and discount codes explained

Promotional Codes are entered into the section “Promo Code” on the landing page or the “Promotional Code” field when searching accommodation types and dates. These are used to unlock hidden rates for which your booking may qualify.

Discount Codes are entered after the “Book now” or “Proceed to Checkout” buttons are pressed by selecting the “Redeem Discount Code” tab at the payment details section.

Please note promotional and discount codes are not valid with any other offer or discount (including Top Parks, G’Day Parks discounts).

Please check back regularly as deals are removed and added frequently.

Promo Codes

Promo Code 1: Please check back later new promotions or use the discount codes below

Discount Codes

Discount Code 1:Save$5” Save $5 on any online booking (sites+cabins) year round

Discount Code 2:Save5%” Stay 2+ nights in a cabin and save 5% year round except Christmas peak (Capped at $50)